Yojana Labh


Madhu Babu Pension Yojana 2024: Apply Online, Application Form, Payment Status

Madhu Babu Pension Yojana is a scheme launched by the Government of Odisha to provide financial assistance to the elderly, widows, and persons with disabilities who are living in poverty. The scheme was started in 2008, to provide a basic standard of living to the underprivileged sections of society. According to the Madhu Babu Pension … Read more

Odisha Ration Card Rs 1000 Scheme – Apply Online, Status

Odisha Ration Card Rs 1000 Scheme:- In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha and assembly elections, the Odisha government decided on Monday its decision to grant a one-time assistance of ₹1,000 to all holders of ration cards. Additionally, the government plans to offer interest-free loans of up to ₹1 lakh to approximately 2 lakh youths … Read more

बिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना 2024: उद्यम स्थापित करने के लिए मिलेगी ₹2 लाख की अनुदान राशि

Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana:- हाल ही मे बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नितिश कुमार जी के द्वारा एक योजना को शुरू किया गया है जिसका नाम बिहार लघु उद्यमी योजना है। इस योजना के माध्यम से राज्य के एक परवार से एक व्यक्ति को 2 लाख रूपेय तक का अनुदान प्रदान किया जाएगा। अभी फिलहाल Bihar Laghu … Read more

Thekedar Saksham Yuva Scheme 2024: Registration, Eligibility @hreyahs.gov.in

Thekedar Saksham Yuva Scheme:- The government of Haryana has launched a wonderful scheme for the youth who are unemployed. Youth between the ages of 21 to 35 years can apply for this scheme. By taking a further step, the Government has initiated a Mission @ 60,000 to provide more employment opportunities and the government has … Read more

Navaratnalu Pedalandariki Illu Login | Registration pedalandarikiillu ap gov in

Navaratnalu Pedalandariki Illu Login 2024:- Central & state governments have launched various schemes to help the citizens. The State Government of Andhra Pradesh also launched the Navaratnalu Pedalandariki Illu Login scheme to help all those citizens who will not be able to pay rent, buy land, or permanent houses. The government of Andhra Pradesh provides … Read more

Laptop Sahay Yojana 2024: Apply Online, लैपटॉप सहाय योजना गुजरात पात्रता

Laptop Sahay Yojana:- गुजरात सरकार द्वारा राज्य के गरीब व आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग के विद्यार्थियो को डिजिटल शिक्षा से जोड़ने के लिए एक योजना की शुरूआत की है जिसका नाम लैपटॉप सहाय योजना है। Laptop Sahay Yojana 2024 के माध्यम से गुजरात सरकार द्वारा विद्यार्थियो को लैपटॉप वितरण किया जाएगा। राज्य मे कई … Read more

Tamil Pudhslvan Scheme 2024: Apply Online, Benefits & Eligibility

Tamil Pudhslvan Scheme:- The Tamil Nadu Government has launched a grant scheme during the presentation of budget 2024-25 known as Tamil Pudhslvan Scheme for students who study in government schools in the state. Under this scheme, financial assistance will be provided to the students of the state to prepare for higher education. The finance minister … Read more

Griha Aadhar Scheme 2024: Apply Online, Eligibility, Check Status

Griha Aadhar Scheme:- The government keeps on launching many schemes for the welfare of the people. The Goa government came up with a Griha Aadhar Scheme to support females of the state financially. For this scheme, the individuals will be selected according to the income requirements and yearly income. The financial assistance will be sent … Read more

हरियाणा वन मित्र योजना 2024: Haryana Van Mitra Yojana Apply Online

Haryana Van Mitra Yojana:- हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर जी के द्वारा 15 फरवरी 2024 को युवाओं के लिए रोज़गार के अवसरो मे वृद्धि करने के लिए एक नई योजना का शुभारम्भ किया गया है जिसका नाम हरियाणा वन मित्र योजना है। Van Mitra Yojana 2024 के माध्यम से प्रदेश के युवाओं को रोज़गार … Read more

Mahajyoti Free Tablet Yojana 2024 Apply Online, Beneficiary List | Maharashtra Free Tablet Scheme Registration

Mahajyoti Free Tablet Yojana: As we are moving towards digitalization, our textbooks are not enough to give us a full-fledged study experience. Now, we not only wanted to read from textbooks but we also wanted to see. And keeping this in mind, the government of Maharashtra has started a scheme named, Mahajyoti Free Tablet Yojana … Read more