Yojana Labh


Gyan Sadhana Scholarship 2024: Check Benefits, Eligibility, Application Process

The Government of Gujarat State has released the scholarship for the students of their state. Under the scholarship the government will provide financial assistance to all the meritorious students who are facing difficulties in studying due to financial issues. The State Government has launched Gyan Sadhana Scholarship 2024 for bright students so that they can … Read more

NVSP Portal 2024: Check Eligibility, Benefits, Services, Login & Registration Process

The Government of India has established a portal for the electors of our country. The portal name is NVSP Portal which stands for National Voter Service Portal. Under this portal a broad range of services are drafted to help citizens of India and NRIs so that they can participate in the country’s election process. Interested … Read more

Praja Palana Center Near Me: Check Complete Details

This time the Government of Telangana State has launched a very special program for the citizens of their state. As we know the Government of Congress has promised to launch 6 Guarantee schemes after winning the election and the government has fulfilled their commitment. But to apply for any of the 6 guarantee schemes Government … Read more

Krushak Odisha Portal: Check Registration & Login Process, Eligibility, Benefits

The Government of Odisha has took a very unique initiative for all the farmers of their State. Odisha is one such state who has the largest number of farmers and the farmers depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The State Government has launched Krushak Odisha Portal under which they will provide benefits to debt-ridden farmers. … Read more

NGO Darpan Portal: Registration Process, Fees, Required Documents, Benefits

The Government of India has set up a platform to establish communication between VOs (Voluntary Organizations) / NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) and key Government Ministries / Departments / Government Bodies. The Government of India has launched the platform under the name of NGO Darpan Portal. The VOs / NGOs and the Government Ministries can now … Read more

Abhaya Hastham Status 2024: Check Status Procedure, Benefits, Eligibility

The Government of Congress has come out with a very unique scheme for Rural and Urban women to provide income security in their old age. The Government of Congress has launched Abhaya Hastham Status with the aim to provide security to all the women who are enrolled in Self Help Group with dignity in their … Read more

Non Encumbrance Certificate 2024: Check Application Procedure, Eligibility, Benefits,Types

Buying a house is a very challenging task but even more challenging is to find out whether it is free from pending monetary charges or dues. Then Non Encumbrance Certificate helps you to find out these facts. A Non Encumbrance Certificate 2024 is a legal document that ensures that the property is free from pending … Read more

Ayushman Bharat Extended for Asha Workers / Anganwadi Workers: Check Complete Details

The Government of India has taken a very innovative step to extend Healthcare covers under Ayushman Bharat for all ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) and Anganwadi Workers and helpers. Ayushman Bharat Extended for Asha Workers / Anganwadi Workers will help the ASHA Workers, Anganwadi Workers and helpers in their medical treatment. To apply for Ayushman … Read more

Karnataka Public Procurement Portal 2024

The Government of Karnataka has launched the portal for all the big business owners and contractors of Karnataka State. This is a one stop platform for all business owners and contractors which is used for managing and monitoring the supply chain process. All those citizens who are involved in Big business and contractors can use … Read more